Blinker Installation

1. Install the app

Installation of the app is simple:

    .1From the  BigCommerce Marketplace , choose Blinker App
    .2Click Install
    .3Then click 'Confirm' to give Blinker permission to access your site

The App will install itself to your BigCommerce store, along with a script in the Script Manager.

Open the app settings by going to 'Apps > Blinker', and then click 'Sync' in the toolbar to sync your blog posts and cataglogue data into Blinker for the first time.

2. Set up your subscription account

Subscriptions are managed using Stripe.

Once the app is installed your 30 day free trial will start. Click on Subscribe in the Blinker toolbar at any time to enter your payment details and start your subscription (you will not be charged until your 30 day trial ends).

You can cancel your subscription at any time by uninstalling Blinker app.

3. Install the code snippets

Step 1: Install the featured blog posts snippet

Copy the code snippet below, and paste it into your  templates/pages/blog.html  template wherever you would like the featured blog posts carousel to display. E.g. above the  {{#each blog.posts}}  code loop.

<div id="js-blinker-featured-posts"></div>

Step 2: Install the related products snippet

Copy the code snippet below, and paste it into your  templates/components/blog/post.html  template wherever you would like the related products grid to display. E.g. as the last item inside the  <article class="blog">  element.

<div id="js-blinker-related-products"></div>

Step 3: Install the related blog posts snippet

Copy the code snippet below, and paste it into your  templates/pages/product.html  template wherever you would like the related blog posts grid to display. E.g. as the last item inside the  {{#partial "page"}}  code block.

<div id="js-blinker-related-posts"></div>

4. Test!

Check everything is displaying correctly on the storefront.

Be sure to add a 'Summary thumbnail image' to each blog post or the Blinker components will have an empty space where the image should be.

5. Modify the frontend styling

Blinker's styling has been kept purposefully simple, and is designed to work out-of-the-box with all the free BigCommerce themes:

  •  Cornerstone  v6.4.1
  •  Fortune  v2.7.0
  •  Vault  v1.2.8
  •  Roots  v4.2.1
  •  Lifestyle  v1.4.2

To modify the styling to more closely match your own theme you can override the Blinker styling in your own theme's css.

For custom implementations or support requests, please  contact us  with your enquiry.